Duncan Heyward Davis

Duncan Heyward Davis was born Nov 5,1901 in Bethera, South Carolina and died Oct 1,1983 in Salt Lake City, Utah.  He had married his teenage sweetheart, Lillie Belle Ethel Player, who was introduced to Duncan by the local Church authority.  Together, they reared eight children, all living throughout the Wasatch Front.  Duncan began his life as a very tall and strong young man.  A plowing accident caused him to lose a lung and ten years of health and surgeries.  Despite this setback, Duncan was always a hard worker, often carrying three jobs at a time.  When the Apostle Callis challenged him to take his family to the temple, he drove there in mid-February.  When the same Apostle told him to remain in Salt Lake and not to return home, he obeyed with faith and courage, setting an eternal example for posterity.


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